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Lieutenancy for Italy

Commandery San Tommaso, Catania

Delegate Dott. Don Luigi Lo Vecchio

Via A. Di Sangiuliano 51


Tel. +39955327553

Commandery Santo Stefano, Prato

Delegate Dott. Antonio Enzo Papini

Via Pistoiese 299


Tel. +39574527576

Commandery San Pietro e Paolo, Rome

Delegate Avv. Don Cristiano Maria Ciani

Tel. +393357322762

Lieutenancy Saint Serapion for the German Speaking Countries

Luogotenente Don Jürgen Gottfried Kotzian

Commandery Saint Bonifatius, Monaco

Commendatore Leonhard Höfter

Commandery Saint Albertus Magnus, Cologne

Commendatore Dr. Christoph Heger

Commandery Blessed Marco d'Aviano, Vienna

Commendatore MP ret. Don Johann Ewald Stadler, Decano del'Ordine

Commandery Mercyful Jesus, Berlin

Commendatore PhDr. Don Marco de Guadamillas y Cortés,

Marchese di Cortés d'Aragona & Santa Caterina 



Secretariat of the Grand Chancellor:
Via A. di Sangiuliano 60/A
95131 Catania

Bank details

Intesa SanPaolo S.P.A.

IBAN IT15 B030 6909 6061 0000 0400 559


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